Unconventional Love – Daily Prompt

Today’s Daily Prompt is all about unconventional love:

Over the weekend, we explored different ways to love. Today, tell us about the most unconventional love in your life.

I don’t know if it qualifies as “unconventional” but I love the way I feel doing yoga.   I have posted lately about yoga and how empowered I feel, how amazing I feel when I do it.  It seems fitting that I found this website: Decolonizing Yoga… all about making yoga inclusive and accessible to everyone.

They have articles like “Welcoming the Curvy Yogini”  and “Yoga: Not Just for Skinny White Girls” and “Project Bendypants: Practicing Yoga while Fat”

Do you know how much I truly LOVE these articles? 

There’s videos for how to make yoga accessible for people with larger bodies.

There’s articles about why yoga should be fore everyone.

There’s a whole lotta information for people like me.  People who want to practice yoga but are afraid of going to the classes with all the thin people.

People who look like this:

Jane doing Yoga

I already modify most poses where necessary.  I’m good at making it possible to stretch the way I need to.   But there was a “SQUEEEEEEEE” of excitement when I found that website… because *I* am not alone in my desire to be flexible at my size.

I freaking LOVE it 🙂

About sunnyjane

On a journey of fitness, health and healing. One blog focuses primarily on health & fitness (sunnyjane.wordpress.com) and the other is about my path through widowhood (widowspath.wordpress.com) Life is a Journey. I'm learning to enjoy the ride.
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2 Responses to Unconventional Love – Daily Prompt

  1. Pingback: Dimples and Dreadlocks (Short Fiction) | The Jittery Goat

  2. Pingback: Unconventional Daily Prompt – The Best Band In The World | Edward Hotspur

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